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  • Claus Fett Alleinfutter / τύπος I - κόκκινος
  • Claus Fett Alleinfutter / τύπος I - κόκκινος
  • Claus Fett Alleinfutter / τύπος I - κόκκινος

Claus Fett Alleinfutter / Type I - Red 500gr


Universal softbill food for birds 


Claus universal softbill food I Red is made for: Japanese nightingale, timalia, quail, bunts, American finches, and other birds that feed on nature, especially with insects and berries. The Claus universal food I Red is a balanced and nutritious mix of essential vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional advice: Claus universal softbill food red can be feed directly from the package. The bird seed does not acidify and can therefore remain in the food bowl longer. In addition, we recommend giving your birds a rich mixture of insects during breeding, such as mealworms or crickets.

Composition: Soybean oil (21%), bakery products, molluscs and crustaceans (16%) of vegetable origin, insects (14%), grains, vegetables, minerals

Ingredients: Rawprotein 21%, raw fat 27%, raw ash 10%, raw fiber 2%

Additives per kg: Vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 2000 IU vitamin E 60 mg, vitamin B1 12 mg vitamin B2 12 mg, 30 mg pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 3 mg vitamin B12 0.02 mg, vitamin C 200 mg, nicotinic acid 80 mg, Folic acid 1 mg , biotin 0.2 mg